Greetings from 101 Atherton Hall! The Honors College staff is united around the axiom of everything we do is in support of Scholars’ success. Crucial to that success is each student’s sense and belief that they belong in Schreyer Honors College. For me, belonging brings to mind the idea of ‘home’; a place where you can be yourself and feel safe, feel celebrated, feel inspired, and just feel relaxed. In that place, that state of being, a person can be their best. They are free to share their ideas and free to show their fears and concerns. To me, home is synonymous with the feeling of belonging.
Schreyer Honors College has been my professional ‘home’ for the last two years, now. When I reflect on my journey as dean, it’s been the deepening of connections with Scholars that’s made me feel the most like this is where I belong. A lot of hope and ideas for the College’s growth have been instilled in me by getting to know Scholars through attending performances, having casual conversations around Atherton Hall, hiking Mount Nittany, and much more. I’ll typically talk with Scholars about what excites them, what has been challenging for them, and ideas on ways that we can offer help.
What’s cool about Schreyer Scholars is that they approach these conversations from a foundation of trust and respect. I take careful notes after every interaction and bring them to the College’s leadership team because the ideas Scholars offer come from their authentic experiences. In some of these conversations, I’ve realized that people sometimes feel like they need to put aside a portion of themselves to feel welcome. That makes me want to do better.
As the leader of our Honors College community, I often think, ‘How do we get there?’ I don’t claim to be an expert… I’m a student of belonging. I’m constantly reading, watching TED talks, and speaking with people who know more than I do about system-level structures that encourage “home building,” if you will. On a micro level, it’s critical that we all consider what we can say or ask that can help another person in the Honors College feel that their dignity is fostered and that they can be their full selves in any setting in the College.
Over the last year, many stakeholders – from Scholars to honors faculty to Honors College Staff – have lent their voices and expertise to a trio of important projects that will support Scholar success through belonging and many other avenues. The Belonging by Design renovation project (which you’ll read about more in our cover story), The New Scholar Experience program, and our strategic framework, Schreyer Forward 2030, will be important vehicles for helping the College continue to grow and set the standard for honors education. I’m deeply grateful to everyone who helped make them possible, and if projects like these speak to you, please reach out to discuss how you can help.
I’m also deeply grateful to you, reader, for spending time with this year’s Scholar magazine. The College has some great stories to share from the past year, so please enjoy. We Are!
Patrick T. Mather, PhD
Dean, Schreyer Honors College
The Pennsylvania State University